The following reading list provides bibliographic information for the most
comprehensive collections of Joseph Stalin's speeches, writings, and
publications that are available in English translation.
Research Note - For those using the Library of Congress, when requesting
multi-volume sets, be certain to specify the volume number that you want.
For the entire set note that you want all of the volumes. Failure
to specify the volume you want means your call slip will returned by the
reference librarian for clarification. This can add considerable time to
the research process.
Click here to access the Library of
Congress Online Catalog
- Joseph Stalin, Works, Volumes 1-13 (Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing
House, 1952-). Library of Congress Call Number DK268 .S75 A267
Note - Although this is the most comprehensive collection of Stalin's
writings, speeches, and publications, there are significant gaps in the
collection. It is also limited in that it only covers Stalin's career to
1934. Researchers should consult other collections listed below to fill in
the gaps. The contents of the individual volumes break down as follows:
- Vol. 1 - 1901 to 1907
- Vol. 2 - 1907 to 1913
- Vol. 3 - March to October 1917
- Vol. 4 - November 1917 to 1920
- Vol. 5 - 1921 to 1923
- Vol. 6 - 1924
- Vol. 7 - 1925
- Vol. 8 - January to November, 1926
- Vol. 9 - December 1926 to July 1927
- Vol. 10 - August to December, 1927
- Vol. 11 - 1928 to March 1929
- Vol. 12 - April 1929 to June 1930
- Vol. 13 - July 30 to January 1934
- Joseph V. Stalin, Selected Works (Davis, CA: Cardinal Publishers,
1971). Library of Congress Call Number DK268 .S75 A38 1971
- Joseph Stalin, Selected Writings
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1970). Library of Congress Call
Number DK268 .S75 A34 1970
- Bruce Franklin (ed.), The Essential Stalin: Major Theoretical Writings,
1905-52 (Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1972). Library of Congress Call
Number DK268 .S75 A38 1972
- Lars T. Lih, Oleg V. Naumov, et al (eds.), Stalin's Letters to Molotov,
1925-1936 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1995). Library of
Congress Call Number DK268 .S8 A4 1995
- Joseph Stalin, On Leninism: Selected Writings (Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press, 1975). Reprint of 1942 edition. Library of Congress Call
Number DK268 .S75 A38 1975
- Joseph Stalin, The October Revolution: A Collection of Articles and
Speeches (New York: International Publishers, 1934). Library of Congress
Call Number DK265 .S668
- Joseph Stalin, On Lenin: Speeches and Articles (London: Lawrence &
Wishart, 1941). Library of Congress Call Number DK254 .L4 S715
- Joseph Stalin, Order of the Day: The Speeches and Important Orders of the
Day made by Marshal Joseph Stalin (Toronto: Progress Books, 1944).
Library of Congress Call Number D764 .S8344
- Joseph Stalin, Stalin on China: A Collection of Five Writings of Comrade
Stalin on the Chinese Question (Bombay: People's Publishing House, 1951).
Library of Congress Call Number DS775 .S83
- Joseph Stalin, War Speeches, Orders of the Day, and Answers to Foreign
Press Correspondents during the Great Patriotic War, July 3rd, 1941-June 22nd,
1945 (London: Hutchinson & Co., Ltd., 1946). Library of Congress Call
Number D764 .S844